Winning More Work

The Client:

A UK based, mid-tier international accounting firm

The Challenge:

Our client wanted to increase its market share. One action was to improve the selling skills of its senior professionals to win competitive and non-competitive opportunities. For example, directors and senior managers are regularly meeting clients as part of contracted work. During the course of these meetings clients often express the need for solutions on different matters. The mid-tier firm wanted to give its staff the skills and confidence to explore, develop and secure those opportunities.

The Delivery:

A half day programme was developed for six senior professionals involved in growing the business. This programme was rolled out to offices and teams around the UK. They were coached on the objective and subjective factors clients use to make buying decisions and how to influence those decisions. Three of the participants then used their skills on a tailored realistic scenario to pitch for a specific piece of work.  The role of the client was played by one coach, supported by the other three participants and the short meeting was videoed. The coaches and participants gave feedback on what went well and areas for improvement. After feedback, the roles were reversed and the meeting was re-run with feedback. This meant that all participants practised their skills, understood what it was like to be sold to and were able to practice in a commercially safe environment.

Each participant concentrated on delivering a meeting focused on the benefits to the client rather than the features of their firm. They came across as a team working together, demonstrating they were interested in the client and used selling techniques to maximise their chances of success.

The Feedback:

Attendees gave the following feedback:

  • A good and practical course which focused you on what potential clients are looking for
  • Very well structured and interactive session
  • Remarkable amount of useful ground covered in just half a day! Both presenters were excellent
  • Good course – enabled me to see how I came across and to think things more from a potential client’s perspective
  • Brings to the front simple things and practicalities that are easily underestimated and forgotten
  • Excellent food for thought in advance of a pitch on Friday
  • I feel much more confident in approaching a pitch, how to behave, what to say and how I can have a role within the pitch team