Proposal/Pitch Workshop

The Client:

KPMG Ireland

The Challenge:

To increase the flow of new business, improve proposal/pitch hit rate and personal and firm differentiation to win more work, KPMG invited The Influence Business to deliver a highly interactive training workshop.

The Solution:

The half-day Proposal/Pitch workshop used a case study (an invitation to tender or request for proposal) to illustrate the key stages of a competitive tender where firms can influence the client to appoint them.

The following key stages of the proposal/pitch were covered:

  • The go/no-go decision
  • The strategy for meetings and other client contact
  • The preparation of the document
  • The preparation of the presentation/pitch

Participants received information progressively to simulate the real circumstances of a proposal/pitch where the dynamics are ever changing.  They were encouraged to react to the changing circumstances in a way that enhances how the client views them.

The approach participants took was continually evaluated and alternative solutions to difficult situations were presented.  Real examples were introduced to add colour to the case study and the skills and techniques discussed.  The focus was always on how participants and their firm can differentiate themselves from their competitors.

The Results:

Attendees left the workshop with confidence to approach proposals/pitches from a position of knowledge in that they understand:

  • The process involved in a proposal/pitch
  • The drivers of the decision (how clients decide)
  • How to differentiate themselves and their firm
  • The opportunities to influence clients
  • The difference between features and benefits
  • How to prepare effective documents
  • How to deliver high impact presentations