To equip you with a simple process, the skills and confidence to maximise business networking opportunities.
Whether it’s a 90 minute seminar for a larger audience, a half-day training workshop or even helping develop your personal brand, our networking programmes are designed to help you become comfortable and effective at taking opportunities to get to know more people and grow your networks. You will work with Actor Associates, who create realistic situations which focus on the skills required, helping you build the confidence necessary to put them into practice.
Skills gained:
- Being effective and comfortable at:
- Breaking into groups
- Getting the other person talking
- Transitioning into business
- Escaping and moving on
- Leaving a favourable impression
- Following up afterwards
- Being at your comfortable and relaxed best
- Growing your network
- Expanding your comfort zones
- Being conscious of your brand and how to use it
- More gravitas
- Developing professional relationships
Here are some Networking programmes we have delivered for our clients – click to download:

What our clients say:
“I wish I had done this a couple of weeks ago before the conference. It would have made all the difference!”