Enhance your skills when presenting, be it formal or informal, standing or seated, with or without visual aids, to one or to many by increasing your level of influence and achieving greater buy-in from your audience.
Our bespoke programmes for individuals through to large conference audiences can be tailored to work on specific presentations/speeches or focused around your presentation skills in general. Whether it is one-to-one across a table, as a seminar or conference speaker or even with a glass in your hand at a networking event, you will be introduced to and practice the key skills that will help you come across with more impact, with greater confidence and more gravitas. Through extensive use of individual video review, you will see yourself from the audience’s perspective and have the confidence to present in an authentic and relaxed manner when the spotlight is on you.
Skills gained:
- Being at your relaxed and natural best whatever the situation
- Using a conversational delivery when ‘under the spotlight’
- Learning strategies to overcome and combat nerves
- Presenting to influence, rather than dumping data
- Greater gravitas and confidence
- Reading your audience
- Engaging and holding audience attention
- Making and using speaking notes to stay in control
- Understanding what works about visual aids (PowerPoint), what doesn’t and why.
- Handling questions with confidence and conviction
Here are some Presenting programmes we have delivered for our clients – click to download:
- Presenting (one day – max 12)
- Advanced presentation skills (half-day workshop – max 5)
- Master class in presentation skills (half-day workshop – max 2)
- Being the speaker they want to hear (90 minute – 2-hour seminar – any number)
- Speech and seminar rehearsal (as required)TIB_Presenting-BeingtheSpeakerTheyWantToHear

What our clients say:
“I was really dreading the videotaping but it turned out fine as it was not at all threatening. Having the confidence to say less, hold the silence, talk to people rather than at the room and know that I can now hold their attention is really great. Thank you so much”